Monday, June 8, 2015

Destroy Hotel Rooms, Son of Tom Hanks So Fugitive Police

Chet Hank Son of Tom Hanks So Fugitive Police for destroy hotel room
Who does not know with Tom Hanks? Yup, this is indeed admired senior actor thanks to his acting talents were so extraordinary. Because of cool action in every movie that starred Tom also managed to have the popularity is so great.

If it were so, I wonder if everything about him will always managed to steal the attention of the public and the media. This time, there was a very shocking news of a son Tom Hank named Chet Hanks.

Reported by the Daily Mail, 24-year-old man who has been wanted by the police after destroying a room at one of the hotels located in London. Not carelessly, even the harm caused was estimated at £ 1,200

In these portraits, you can clearly see what kind of damage that has been created by Chet. This man not only break the mirror, but also damaged facilities such as television, and so forth.

Until now, the British police still tried hard to find Chet and provide strict legal action for crimes they had committed. However, do you know if this is not the first son Tom made the problem?

Yup, previously Chet was already often associated with the police. He is known as the teenagers who have experienced drug addiction since he was 16 years old. Not only that, he is also an enthusiast of alcoholic beverages and the like.
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